Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It has been too long.

Apologies for the obvious post title, and further apologies for the brevity of my post. I'll tackle the missing weeks in a sparse, note-like format:

A lot has happened since I last wrote here! I have "endured" two strikes at UBA, one of which has started today. The first strike, or huelga, was on the behalf of the displeased professors who get paid peanuts, if at all. Today's strike is against the state of the classrooms -- I can get behind that! So all of the desks were ejected out into the street and the few students that showed up for my 9AM class chatted with the professor for a bit in a nearby cafe. I will try to get a picture I took of the UBA stairwell off of my phone and onto this page.

Next. Yesterday (hah), we went to our first soccer match! Argentina vs. Spain. We kicked some serious culo, it was a lot of fun. We had awesome seats and really got into the spirit, somewhat to the dismay of the Argentineans who sort of can't stand us... but, anyway. It was a good experience, and on Saturday I'm going to a local game. Apparently it's a bit dangerous, so that could be exciting. No photos, though.

Also. I had a special visitor, Ian, come to stay with me last week. Very nice! It was my first time "hosting" someone, and as easygoing and low-maintenance as my guest was, I still really enjoyed showing him around. We did some touristy things, but I am not above that yet. I probably never will be!

I know I'm leaving out heaps of interesting things that have happened to me/been occurring in general. I suppose that my lack of ability to recall these special things at this exact moment means I should post more.

Promise I will. Pinky swear!

besos, mis queridos!

PS A trip to Machu Picchu is in the works! Four-day hike on the Inca Trail sometime in November. Muy emocionada.

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