Monday, July 26, 2010

Che, gordos

This is a nutty place. I've been kept occupied since I've been here with various social activities, and have met some great people thanks to my house mates. Yesterday I went to a fun barbecue at a hostel. We all stood around waiting for delicious things to come off the grill, then just picked it off with our fingers, burning our mouths terribly by being so overeager.
We celebrated for second night in a row, and I actually never ended up going to sleep last night... problem, as today was the first day of the program's orientation. But, despite having skipped a night's sleep, I enjoyed orientation and was pleasantly surprised at how well everyone speaks Spanish. Even better, everyone seems pretty committed to speaking only Spanish with each other when the teachers aren't around or anything. It was a very long day, and I'm turning in super early so that tomorrow doesn't seem like such a journey. We're going to be picking classes and all that, so I must have my wits about me. Can't take any of the insane Castellano on an empty mind, now can I?
Ciao gordos (we learned a lot of slang today... such a fan)

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