Saturday, August 7, 2010

Taking care of things. But not really.

So today I have had my first wave of homesickness, most likely brought upon by the person doing their daily hammering project on the wall behind my bed -- and my failure to do my laundry (for the seventh consecutive day). Thank goodness I am an overpacker, because even in the most dire laundry emergencies I have backup, i.e. that extra pair of leggings with the ripped calf that I never wear.
Either I just don't know what a lavanderia looks like, or they really are all closed on the weekends. I'm going to give myself the benefit of the doubt and assume the latter. The entire situation, however petty, has left me feeling out of sorts and a little bit filthy. I remedied that partially by going and walking around Parque Lezama, browsing the weekend flea market, and purchasing four pairs of new socks for ten pesos. Success, I can ignore my problems for another two days!! Turning my pillowcases inside out... wondering if my favorite green t-shirt is really that dirty... who says college hasn't taught me anything practical?? And, of course, I take comfort in the fact that I can always shop, no matter the country.
Now, I'm going to watch a good old American TV show, eat my crackers and cheese, and think fondly of those I miss at home without letting it get me down. Perfecto.

Besos y abrazos, mis queridos.

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